Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Transformational: Mods to the Theory

Following on from my previous post, my academic supervisor has emphasised that my critique of transformational Christian leadership should propose constructive modifications to current theory. How, therefore, would I modify current theory if I could? High on my list, I think, would be to seek to break the causal link between influencer (the leader) and influenced (the followers), and to restore the direct influence of God on followers (an aspect which is de-emphasised in the literature). In other words, rather than the horizontal relationship between influencer and influenced (which in my view leads to a constellation of serious problems), there would be a triangular relationship between influencer and God on the one hand, and God and influenced on the other. QUESTION: Would this be in keeping with Biblical emphasis? Could leadership realistically function without the purpose of influencing others?


Jenny Hillebrand said...

I know you must have deep thoughts on this, but simply put - can 'leadership realistically function without the purpose of influencing others'?
I probably could answer this by reading your blog more carefully, but - what essentially is the function of leadership?
Nice to have different ideas!

Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Thanks Jenny. Your questions are crucial. I have answered them in a simplistic way over on my Ministry blog, and hope I'll have the opportunity to return to them here.

Roger Saner said...

Have you come across Pete Rollin's thoughts on leadership as "the leader is the one who makes sure that leadership doesn't happen"? In his latest book, The Fidelity of Betrayal...